Refinery29, June 18, 2012

3 Local Hairstylists To Book ASAP

By Shani Silver, Photographed by Heather Talbert

Rivkah Lyles, Maxine Salon

How long have you been a hair stylist?
"Seven years."

What made you want to pursue your profession?
"I love the artistry of feminine beauty. Every detail, from a woman's lipstick shade to the fabric of her dress, work together to create the story of a woman's feminine identity and power. Her hair is the foundation of that story and I live to help women tap into that feminine power. Yes, the ideal haircut flatters a woman aesthetically but it must also make her feel confident and sexy. Helping women feel that is my motivation to do what I do."

What hair mistake would you like Chicago women to stop making?
"Please, don't make your boyfriend your stylist. Sure, you want him to think you're hot, but he doesn't have a clue about hair. Whatever style makes you feel powerful and brings out your inner sex-kitten will end up being his favorite style, whether he realizes it now or not."

What hairstyle are you dying to try on someone?
"Oooh, fun question! Can we please do Lucille Ball curls to God French twist meets '80s rocker on acid updo for your second cousins wedding you're going to? Yes? I love you!"

What hairstyle do you never want to do again?
"Nothing is off the table in my chair. I love cutting hair. You want a mullet? You want a pixie? I can do that for you."

What is one product every Chicago girl needs in her arsenal?
"I went to Dallas in April for a Shu Uemura atelier class and they introduced Shu's new product, Volume Maker. It's a powder that both refreshes a blowout and adds volume for days."

What hair trend is next, in your opinion?
"Adding texture to your hair with a creatively placed braid is a femme and edgy way to keep your locks in place for a day at Lolla or just grabbing brunch with the homies. (Think Katniss or Frida Kahlo)."

Who cuts your hair?
"I never cut my locks! But I would trust anyone I work with at Maxine!"

What should be everyone's go-to hairstyle for summer weather?
"I'm a short haircut specialist and as it gets hotter out, getting the hair off your neck with a new short cut is a bold way to deal with the heat."
