Carly Cristman Blog May 2012

Carly Cristman Blog

Wednesday May 9, 2012

My Style & Hair Diary: On Wednesday's, We Wear Pink

Long time, no blog! The past few days have been crazy to say the least. Now that I have a few spare moments, I figured what better way to come back than with a combined Style AND Hair Diary?

If you're guessing from the title that today's post has to do with some variation of pink, you'd be correct. All those who follow me on twitter know of my well exhausted hunt for neon pink jeans [since JANUARY!]. I've since come to terms with the fact that they are unavailable in size baby giraffe, so I've settled with this fantastic pair of shorts. [I couldn't find hot pink pants... so I settled with just hot pants] [#typical] [#hashtaginablogpost].

I've paired them with the shirt and necklace combo seen in this previous style diary video [if you're interested to see more of this set]. The conservative nature of the shirt balances out the tiny shorts quite nicely, but is still interesting itself with the sheer panelling. I have mint green nails [Maybelline's 'green with envy'] and all white accessories to complete this white-hot-pink look. [#BeforeAndAfters] [#NobodyGetsMyWheelOfFortuneJoke] [#WhyAmIStillHashTagging]

What I'm Wearing:
Shorts: PINK
Shirt: Free People
Sunglasses: Prada Baroque
Necklace: Nordstroms

In true Mean Girls fashion, I wore this pink ensemble last Wednesday when I was invited to the Maxine Salon downtown Chicago. The salon offered to give my hair a much needed strengthening and conditioning treatment from one of my favorite product lines, Kerastase! [My hair is that obviously damaged, people are now offering to help fix it for me] [#Itsfine]. I had already been using their Cristalliste Shampoo/Conditioner line [which also happens to come in pink bottles!] since receiving it last February at NYFW, so I already knew I'd be obsessed with the results.

Maxine Salon Downtown Chicago is gorgeous- and HUGE. The salon itself spans three floors in all black, white and silver goodness. Can you tell I enjoyed myself? And, of course- what kind of blogger would I be if I didn't take a few pictures?

My pictures definitely don't do the space justice! I arrived to the salon half an hour early [so notable, I'm including it in this post. This is MAJOR]. If you don't believe me, ask Cliff, my stylist. He found me hovering over MacDaddy, happily importing files while waiting for my appointment. Thankfully, my progress could continue during my treatment because the salon just so happens to have a perfect laptop spaced compartment at each station.

The treatment I had done strengthens and restores protein to your hair- an awesome thing for me, considering all of the heat and abuse I consistently expose mine to. The even better part? It's extension-safe!

After treating and washing, my stylist blew out my hair and styled it with waves- mid blow out. How he created perfect waves with simply a blow dryer, I'll never know. I'd like to think I'm fairly adept at hair techniques, but blow drying is NOT my forte by any means. I'll leave that styling to the professionals.

Overall results? My hair was left shiny, bouncy, and incredibly soft- almost awkwardly soft, since it was eerily reminiscent of how my hair used to feel before I started bleaching my feelings. I would definitely recommend getting an in-salon treatment, or the product line itself to anyone who is interested!

Dear Maxine [and Cliff!]: I thank you for the experience, but my hair thanks you even more :)

Have you ever used Kerastase? Do you have a favorite product, or a general favorite hair treatment? If so, make sure to let me know!
