Man Up Chicago January 25, 2012

Man Up Chicago

Friday January 6, 2012

Chicago Men’s Street (Err, Event) Style at Launch Party


In a past life, we enjoyed being men about town and attending any event our editors would allow us to. These days, well, we need a little extra motivation to hit the launch party/soft opening/anniversary party circuit instead of staying home and watching the NBA on TNT. But a new Chicago website, (a site featuring various webisodes about all things entertainment in Chicago), was having a launch party at the James Hotel last night, and for a variety of reasons, our interest was piqued. One of those reasons is that we dig the James Hotel. Another reason is that a featured voice on is always entertaining Amanda Puck (aka The Foodarazzi; aka the woman who hosted Check Please! when Barack Obama was on the panel). Most importantly, we figured there’d be plenty of stylish guys at the event we might learn a little something from. We were right. Below are four well dressed gentleman who know how to put an outfit together for a Thursday night event.

Trade: Colorist at Maxine Salon.
Why We Dig his Look: The dress shirt buttoned all the way up. It takes a brave man. He makes it work without looking stuffy nor awkward.
His Favorite Part of the Outfit: The shear sweater he bought during a recent trip to London.
Favorite Item He Didn’t Wear: One of his many deconstructed tank tops. He gets his from Ragstock in Wicker Park and the Levi’s store.
Favorite Movie of the Past Year: The Debt.

