Refinery29 April 23, 2012

Maxine Salon's Creative Director Amy Abramite featured in Refinery29 April 23, 2012Refinery29

Monday April 23, 2012

Get Some Tail

By Shani Silver

You've worn a ponytail since you were a kid, and you love it. But if you've been wearing it the same way since then, it might be time to give this follicular favorite a modern makeover. On the runways this season, we spotted five fresh ways to wear this classic coiff, so you can get out of your hairstyle rut. We know these look a little intimidating, but they're easy—trust us. To prove our point, we asked Maxine Salon creative director, Amy Abramite, to lend her expertise for your next at-home styling session. Click through to check out five new ways to rock a ponytail, then read up on Amy's tips and product suggestions for pulling them off flawlessly. Back to the future, anyone?

