Better Homes & Gardens February 17, 2021

Better Homes & Gardens


Is It Safe to Color Your Eyebrows at Home? Here's What a Professional Colorist Says


Bleached brows are trending, but you should skip the DIY version.

There has always been a portion of the population that opts to DIY most things, and the pandemic has caused that number to increase. Now, people are learning new ways to cook, patch their clothes, and are even trying new beauty techniques. In the past year, searches for "bleached eyebrows" surged 160% on Pinterest, according to a report. The social media site also noted that people are looking to "embrace bold brows and experiment with statement-making styles," so it makes sense that eye-catching all-white brows are trending. But now that many of us are staying home to keep ourselves and others healthy, I wondered if there's a way to bleach our brows safely at home.

Can You Bleach Eyebrows at Home?

"It's safe to color your brows at home, but stay away from permanent hair dye and bleach on your brows," warns Nicole Tabloff, a professional colorist at Maxine Salon in Chicago. "The color used for your hair is most likely too strong chemically for the sensitive skin around your eyes," she adds. If you do want bleached brows, you'll have to talk to your stylist and wear a face mask to your appointment. For a temporary bleached look, try the E.L.F. Putty Eye Primer ($5, E.L.F.).

How to Color Your Brows at Home

So, what can you do at home? "Choose a dye specifically formulated for eyebrows, so it's gentler on your skin," Tabloff recommends. Try Ardell Brow Tint ($15, Target) or Henna for Eyebrows ($15, Etsy). "It's best to choose one shade lighter than your hair. You can always make them darker if they are too light, but if you go too dark, you will have to live with them until they fade," Tabloff explains. (If you're blending out your gray, you can choose a silvery shade that matches.) Be careful when applying the product; you do not want to get any in your eyes. (And if you do, rinse them with water immediately.)
